Register up to two computers for each license purchased. Install TN5250 for Windows onto your work computer and your home computer.
Our TN5250 for Windows emulator supports SSL 3, SSL 4, TLS, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. Feel safe knowing that your AS/400 sessions are secure.
Some vendors restrict their functionality during the trial period. TN5250 for Windows is fully functional during your entire trial - and extended trials are available.
Upgrade to new versions of TN5250 for Windows are free for life. This allows you to keep current on all our improvements.
We strive to implement the full IBM 5250 display communication protocol.
Our 5250 emulation engine was written in C# and fully implemented in .NET, and we have created a clean API which developers can consume in their own applications.
We offer a .NET API for you to build your own applications to "screen-scrape" any 5250 screen. Our API is easy to use and integrate into your .NET application. Contact us for more information.
CEO, Principal Architect
Lead Software Engineer
Media Six LLC is a software consulting/products company that provides top quality software tools to the Windows community.
Our Principal Architect holds software patents from McAffee and Microsoft, and has tons of experience with network protocols and building Windows and mobile applications.
+1 844 400-5250